What would you like from coaching?

Since before the pandemic started last year, I started providing coaching services to as many of you as possible.

Many I did for free, and others at reduced prices.

After 100+ coaching sessions and a 99% satisfaction, it’s become clear to me that there are so many of us out there who need a helping hand to get out of the PMO trap.

I’m now working on bringing my coaching in the form of a course you can take at your own time. It’ll be more affordable than coaching so that as many of you as possible can benefit from it.

I’m also working hard so that people get the same benefits that 100+ of you have gotten from 1-1 coaching.

I’ve got a roadmap ahead. But I’d like your feedback as well.

What would you like to see included in this course? What topics do you still find challenging? What kind of stuff do you wish you could revisit over and over again?

Please do reply back to this email, or leave a comment on this post to let me know what you’d like to see. It will help me create something positive for you and the thousands of other men who are suffering being stuck in the prison of PMO (and social media/Internet/their minds).

I hope to launch the course in September 2021.

7 thoughts on “What would you like from coaching?


    1.How can i get the idea of counting the days out of my mind because i want to quit porn forever and not care about the number of days.
    2.since i took the ultimate decision to quit porn for good and i failed so many times, how can i confirm to myself that this time there will be no mistake and it will be long-lasting and forever

    1. Celibate Yogi Post author

      1. I don’t ever recommend counting the days you haven’t looked at pornography. Rather, look forward to the days you’ve been free of pornography. One method makes you look backwards, the other way of counting makes you look forwards. Also, this way of counting is also only for people who feel compelled to count days. If you don’t want to count, then don’t.

      2. You know for “sure” once you fully understand that PMO gives you absolutely nothing at all in life. This also ends up including looking at PMO like media/content that you see in movies/TV. It also means understanding that tech addiction gives you nothing at all in life either. It is all just a mirage. Once all these ideas connect, you become free forever.

  2. J

    I think sections of Alan Carr’s second book ‘Only way to quit smoking’ might provide some extra insights not included in the hackbook and in your book.
    I think the pleasure element is something a lot of us took a while to really grasp properly. I think the hackbook glosses over it very quickly. Its very easy for it to mention the tight shoes analogy once you’ve quit porn and feel much better for it, but when in the trap it takes more thn that for quite a few i think.
    This post really explained the hunger analogy in detail really well. Relating relapsing after abstience to that of eating when starving but the food being disgusting and making hunger (for porn worse). The chat we had over email but pmoing being more of a gradient from masturbation/social media/hardcore i think was really interesting, expanding a tad on what your book suggests in avoiding sexual material atleast early on is something the hackbook i think misses out on.
    Expanding a bit on the importance of affirming daily when quitting early on perhaps. In terms of explaining why affirming is needed, i think people fall into the trap, like myself of getting over confident or thinking it shouldn’t need revising, the little monster allbeit not physically strong can prod its way back in if you forget key ideas.

    One thing i’ve seen pop up from a good year in trying to quit within the community, is its not just a porn issue but sexual fantasies and checking out women are quite common, seemingly innocent subsitutues people employ and i think lead them down to failure.

    As we’ve hinted at in conversation, i think porn does have its differences to cigerette’s (gradient of pmoing etc) which i think could really be benefical in pointing out. This addiction doesn’t just hijack your dopamine receptors, but rewires your sexuality in some form. Relaying examples and breaking down why they are false might be good.

    I think an online course sounds great. There’s some of my ideas anyways, sounds good, best of luck.

  3. I'd rather not.

    How do I continue on when the prospect of quitting porn feels like a sick joke at this point, and I’m having trouble taking any advice seriously no matter how reasoned, helpful, or truthful?

    How do I deal with this issue when I’m all alone and every family member, friend, and professional I’ve reached out to has either misunderstood, dismissed, or ignored my problem entirely?

    How do I deal with the overwhelming despair from seeing the porn industry’s brainwashing everywhere while being absolutely powerless in getting anyone to notice it or change it for the better?


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