
Needed a favor

I had a quick favor to ask from you.

As the course starts to make an impact, and helping people quit porn once and for all, I feel now is the time to share this message with more people. I want to give my best ideas away to help as many people as possible.

To that effect, do you know of podcasts, YouTubers, people on Instagram, bloggers, etc that I can build a relationship with to bring these ideas to more people and their audiences? It can even be you!

I’m not looking for people with a million followers or whatever (I know the odds of them wanting to bring me to their podcast or show are low). Just good people who get what we’re doing here–no matter their reach.

My hope is to be a guest on their blog or podcast, or have them promote these ideas even without me. I absolutely expect to invest in building a relationship with them first and have them understand the ideas before they do — they can’t be blind promoters just for affiliate sales (although I’m 100% open to sharing profits as needed).

If so, please just hit the reply button and let me know. If you’re reading this on the blog, you can leave a comment below as well.

And if you’d like to remain anonymous, you can fill out this Google form (without even being logged in).

Note for those who’re in the course: our monthly live hangout is taking place on March 18th, Friday at 1 PM Eastern. Log into the course for join in details! See you all then.

No more hacks, tips and tricks.

Are you looking for another quick fix? A “hack”? A tip or trick?

On a daily basis, I get 5-10 emails with messages like: “Yogi. I need help. Give me some tips.”

No context, no explaining, nothing at all.

Everyone is looking for tips, tricks and hacks.

Here’s my biggest tip: there are no tips.

Quitting porn addiction once and for all requires sustained contemplation. That will reveal your own personal truth. This personal truth sinks into your mind and heart. That’s how the truth sets you free.

After hundreds of coaching sessions, I’ve learned that my best work as a coach is actually to give you a map out of this maze.

If you’ve been stuck in the maze, and even after our coaching have found yourself back in the trap, this is the missing reason why.

You have to do the thinking yourself.

The Once and For All Course makes it easy to do this. It gives you hours of directed coaching and questions to help you contemplate on these ideas.

So that it sticks. So that it sinks to your mind and heart.

So that it helps you find your personal truth.

So that it sets you free.

This is my last post for a bit.

You can find the course on here. Check it out.

The Once and For All Course.

Contemplating the Truth to become PMO free

So far, we’ve discussed one key idea. The real secret to quit pornography once and for all is this: personal truth, deeply contemplated, will set you free.

What does it mean to contemplate an idea deeply?

It means to take an idea and ask yourself “what does this mean for me?” “How is it true for me?”

In my role as a coach, I’ve worked with hundreds of people to take their situation and find personal insights for them. This is something I’ve gotten great at doing.

Now, I’d like to share these contemplations with you.

Instead of wasting your time with facts, science, scare talks, and ineffective distractions (take a cold shower, do pushups), we focus on going through a variety of topics.

Here’s a simple example:

In one contemplation, we look at the nature of pleasure found in porn.

We contemplate the entire act of watching porn. From the “craving” you get, to the time you finish a session. We micro-analyze each portion and get to the realization that no portion of that entire experience was actually pleasurable. The only thing that deluded you into thinking like that was the orgasm that happened at the end.

Powerful stuff.

You might read that above and feel like “got it”. But unless you slow down, imagine yourself in this situation, and are actively guided through this experience yourself, it can be difficult to make it concrete.

And this contemplation is just one of many. In fact, I’m investing in constantly growing the library of contemplations.

Think of it as a coaching session, and then a reflection session combined into one.

Coaching + Reflection = Contemplation.

That’s what makes The Once and For All course unlike any other. It’s available now for under $50 with lifetime access, updates, and discussions included.

I will likely increase the price in March, as I refine and make this course even more powerful.

If you’d like to get the course now, get it right off my website here.

Self-Knowledge, Self-Compassion, and Sustained Contemplation

Why is porn so hard to get out of?

You might be able to quit things like sugar, coffee, cigarettes, and many other things. But pornography remains because it touches every part of your life.

Without proper self-knowledge about what you’re actually craving, you won’t be able to un-tether yourself from this addiction.

Why is it hard to listen to our real wants and needs?

A lack of self-compassion. We hold ourselves to such ridiculously high standards, and there’s often so much guilt involved, that we make ourselves believe that quitting porn MUST be hard, must be difficult.

Ironically, those who can learn to forgive themselves and give themselves compassion will go further with much greater ease.

How do you get past the guilt, the self-hatred and resentment? How do you get to the heart of your real wants and needs?

It begins with sustained contemplation. Sustained contemplation is to think and feel deeply about something until the idea stays in your mind and sinks into your mind and heart.

Most people think contemplation is going to be hard. Sit in silence, become a monk who lives in the mountains, or something like that.

Actually, it’s nothing like that.

More on that in my next post!

The Wrong Way to Discover Your Personal Truth

The real secret to quit PMO is simple: personal truth, deeply contemplated, will set you free.

So how do you discover this personal truth?

Let’s start with where people go wrong.

Here’s what they do:

  • Read the same book 10-50 times.
  • Watch more videos on YouTube.
  • Participate in communities where they all just talk about pornography and how much they hate it.

Do you see what they’re doing wrong?

They’re trying to “cram” this information down their throats.

As if reading something 50+ times will somehow force the ideas.

This isn’t a school classroom either. Taking summary notes only takes you so far.

What’s missing is this: actually contemplating the personal truth from what they’re reading.

Our minds have become atrophied by modern technology.

They’ve made us crave frameworks and pictures and infographics. 30 second videos. 5 minute summaries.

You must learn to contemplate personal truth from everything you’re doing.

People read these books, watch these videos, and even take courses. These resources give you the truth, certainly, but they’ve missed out in making this truth personal.

So how do you do that? I’ve been working on this problem for the last few months, and I’m excited to give you the keys. But more on that in the coming post.

I’m tired of lying (honest confession)

You’re reading this because you wanted to get out of the porn addiction trap.

I’ve spent hundreds of hours working on this topic. I’ve coached hundreds of people to quit porn. Perhaps even the two of us have spoken.

But I have a confession to make…

I haven’t been giving the full solution to get out of the maze.

In the hundreds of coaching sessions I’ve done, people tell me back that they have had their big breakthrough! They’re free and out of the maze!

But a few weeks later, or months later, many of you come back to me.

Failing. Defeated yet again.

The fault is mine.

I messed up.

All of my effort has 100% so far had been about helping people talk through their issues with me.

“Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime.”

I’ve been giving out fishes! I’ve been giving away the answer. I’ve been giving the keys.

And for those of you who have found themselves again in the maze of porn, in the maze of your mind, you’ve found that you cannot get out.

But no longer.

I’m now going to unveil the real secret to get out of prison.

Once and for all.

The real secret is this: personal truth, deeply contemplated, will set you free.

So how do you find your own personal truth? More on that in the coming posts…

An Invitation to Break out of the PMO Prison

I’ve coached 100s of you by now. I’ve had a 99%+ satisfaction rate. However, I believe most of you come back to me a few days, weeks, or months later because of the four delusions above.

I’d now like to challenge this once and for all.

Here’s what I believe people need to escape:

  • Learning the nature of the PMO Prison
  • What it takes to escape from the PMO prison
  • Escaping from the PMO prison
  • Staying out of the PMO prison

I can get people to escape the PMO prison in just one session. I’ve done it time and time again. It’s the staying out that remains an issue.

You can read the dozens of stories right here.

Because emotions flare up. Technology use kicks in. A bad day, a general nihilism, and old patterns kick in.

Soon, you find yourself back in prison.

That’s why this new format does it differently. It flips the model around.

10% of the time on the escape. 90% of the time on staying out.

Quitting social media, media usage, the “prisoner’s mind patterns”, etc are all difficult to do yourself.

When it comes to escaping the PMO trap, having co-conspirators makes it a lot easier as well.

That’s why this new format includes a few things:

  • A 6 week format
  • A small private group of 5-7 people
  • A weekly recurring hour long call
  • Focus on regular challenges/tasks to get out of the prisoner mindset
  • Group messaging to stay accountable on the tasks and encourage others along the way.

I’d like to invite you to join this next cohort.

If you’re ready to end this year off with a substantial victory under your belts (pun fully intended), now is the time to take action.

Because this is a pilot cohort, the prices will remain very very affordable. I cannot promise that going forward.

Learn more and Sign up here today.

The Prisoners Delusion

This is the last delusion I want to tell you about that will help you get out of the PMO trap forever.

Here’s a sad fact: 2/3 people who are released from prison end up back in prison within 3 years. 3/4th of the people end up back in prison after 5 years.

Is it any wonder that you end up back in the PMO prison as well? Even after you know the harms, even after you quit social media, even after all your efforts?

The reason why these ex-convicts end up back in prison is because they don’t know about life outside of the prison.

If you’ve seen the Shawshank Redemption, you know exactly what that’s all about.

It’s a wonderful movie that you can watch if you’d like. In it, there is a character by the name of Brooks. After spending 50 years in prison, he finally gets parole to go back into society.

However, Brooks is unable to re-integrate. He had spent too much time in prison, no matter how bad it was. So eventually, he hangs himself and dies.

The fact is simple: unless you know how to live outside of the PMO prison, you will most likely end up back in the prison.

I believe it’s time for a prison break now! Where we all help each other get out of the PMO prison and stay out! That’s the promise behind my pilot cohort program starting mid-October 2021. If you’re interested, consider joining right here.

The Forest Delusion

We’re now on to the 4th delusion in the series of lies that keeps you hooked on PMO.

You believe that you have quit porn because you give up on tube sites.

With most of the men I’ve helped however, they come back to me if they still continue to use social media, technology, modern media, and entertainment.

I used to think that only sexual media is bad. I’ve now come to the realization that all of this media is addictive by its nature, and we need to cut it out fully.

Quitting PMO alone is like walking away from a tree you were chained to. There’s still a whole forest you need to get out of!

This can be a major shift for us. However, I believe it is possible to do this easily, but more about that in the next post!

Have you tried to quit social media/addictive technology and failed? I believe there’s a better way and it’s made a huge difference in my life.

In fact, I was able to quit Discord for 6 months. I’ve cut off Reddit, Facebook, Instagram and other social media platforms for the same time to get real work done.

And I didn’t feel deprived doing it either! That’s the magic that I believe is possible for you. Here’s how you can get in on it: Join the next cohort.

The Pleasure Delusion

If you haven’t been keeping up, this is the 3rd in a series of posts about the lies and delusions that keep you an addict.

You already know this, but it bears repeating. Even after all this knowledge gathering (including reading my book or the easypeasy book), you still hold on to the idea that PMO is pleasurable.

Let’s dispel that delusion once and for all.

PMO is not pleasurable. In fact, you watching PMO is pure torture so that you can feel the relief of stopping the torture.

PMO is not about sex either. If it was, then I challenge you to download 1 video for the next 6 months and ONLY watch that video to PMO. No social media surfing, no tabs, no tube sites. One “perfect” video.

I’ve asked dozens of people about this. 100% of them have told me that they can’t do that! What they’re really into is the urge-surfing part.

The part where you have 5, 10, 20, 100 tabs open and you go from tab to tab to find your “release”.

This is as smart as whipping yourself a 100 times so you can feel the pleasure of Aloe-Vera gel. Each open tab is a whip on your back. The “anticipation” is actually the beginning of the torture phase. It is akin to you getting excited for your execution and then being relieved you “only” got 100 whip lashes on your back.

This can be a tough delusion to get out of, but I’ve been doing this hundreds of times for the people I’ve helped.

I’m now going to do this in a new and more interesting way. It’s a 6 week pilot program to help you get out of the lies and get on with your life. Learn more here.