
Got a question for me? Comments? Suggestions? Maybe some feedback about my book or inquiry about my coaching?

Or anything else…feel free to fill out the form below and I will be in touch shortly.

As of September 2022, I am no longer actively monitoring this inbox for replies. I find myself spending less time on the internet, behind screens and more time with my friends, family, my health, and my work. I however do engage with people on a monthly open call for everyone in the course that you can find on the homepage of this site. The key tenet of my teaching has always been that YOU must find your own answers. I cannot give them to you. All I can do is be your guide to help you self-coach your way out of PMO. It is only when you get the ultimate truth of the matter that you will no longer even crave pornography. Please dedicate yourself to introspecting, contemplating and coming to this realization yourself. My course is just meant to help you do that. Do not waste your time with countless science articles, stories, testimonials, and communities of people trying to quit. They are mostly a waste of time and keep you stuck there.