Are you missing this one crucial step to get your mind out of the exhausting cycle of quitting porn and relapsing?
There’s been one missing secret to quitting once and for all that you cannot ignore. This one thing is simple: looking inwards. Dealing with the flow of thoughts, finding calm, and getting off autopilot with your mind that’s exhausted itself with distractions.
After 100+ coaching sessions and countless ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ reviews, I’ve finally put together a course to help you go inside to find your own key to freedom.
Once and for all.
Nov 15, 2023: The Quit Porn Easily course is hereby free for everyone. This is my gift to everyone who has struggled but not been able to free themselves. I have not had the time and resources to support people through the course. So this is now even more of a DIY experience.
Why You Remain Stuck & Tired
Read the same book a dozen times. Listen to podcasts, join addiction forums and Discord servers. Go live in the mountains. All these ideas keep you stuck in the identity of an addict and makes you cram information. But here’s the thing: You cannot force the truth into your mind. That’s a recipe for exhaustion and relapsing. This approach ignores some crucial realities such as…

You don’t need to read a book another time – even if it’s easy and peasy 😉
Reading a book 10 times isn’t going to help you absorb the message. You don’t need a video to tell you the science of how harmful porn is. Memorizing facts won’t help you “get it”. Reading endless messages on Discord and listening to a hundred podcasts about the dangers of porn only marginally helps.
That’s why you’re fine for the first few days, and then you relapse.
You need to convert information into knowledge, and knowledge into wisdom that helps you pick up your life. More isn’t always better.
One Size Does Not Fit All
Other solutions are based on quitting smoking, alcohol, and other addictions. But porn is different. It is a gradient. It doesn’t just exist on tube sites.
Subtle and hyper-sexualized images, language, and experiences are everywhere. On TV, social media, billboards, movies, music, schools, workplaces and more. What counts as pornography and what doesn’t?
That’s why the answers that worked for smoking, alcohol, etc do not fully work in this reality. To quit things once and for all, you must learn to create your own vision of freedom first.

Cluttered Mind, Fuzzy Life
Porn stays sticky because it touches everything in your life. It is the addiction that gets you through a bad day, a great day, through hunger or loneliness or boredom, or exhaustion.
Even if it’s poison, people like to keep drinking it because it gets them through life. Ignoring this reality isn’t helpful.
We need a gentle and compassionate way out of this maze. Not through guilt and self-punishment.
A Way Out of the Maze
Getting out of the maze requires a different approach.
Self-knowledge. Sustained contemplation. Self-compassion.
Calm. Gentleness, not pushing.
The Essence of Quitting Porn Once and For All:
Personal Truth, Deeply Contemplated, Sets You Free

Coaching works because it is based on helping you find your own unique answers. Until now, this was only possible 1-1. For the first time ever, this course is designed to help you find your own answers.
This isn’t about meditation or mindfulness either. This is about Contemplation — the careful examination of ideas in a way that helps you find its truth in your own life.
Self-Compassion & Love
These Contemplations are not meant to make you feel guilty. Quitting porn isn’t about making your life about spending time on forums/servers discussing how much you hate it. This energy of hatred and guilt is the same as the energy of obsessive addiction and keeps you stuck.
This course begins with the idea that you are worthy of healing from the trauma of this addiction. You did not become addicted because you lacked willpower or discipline. The way out of this prison is self-compassion and love.

Sustained Contemplation
It took you a lifetime to get addicted. Coaching works to get you to a personal insight, but without thinking over it repeatedly, it doesn’t stick.
This course has been designed to get you to deeply contemplate ideas relevant to your life! You do this over the span of a month so the truth seeps into your mind in its own way.
With short lectures and focused question, this course will help you get to your own personal truth. And this (personal) truth shall set you free!
The Once and For All Course
It’s time to get rid of the:
- ❌ Excuses
- ❌ Mental blocks
- ❌ Frustration
- ❌ Anger
- ❌ Brainwashing!
This course will help you find your own personal truth. And this personal truth will set you free.
Course Syllabus
- Module 1: Re-orientation
Most people have no definition of what they envision freedom to look like. They just know they no longer want to be an addict. This module will help you go over the elements of this course, and re-orients your thinking towards a worthwhile direction. - Module 2: Big Ideas
A quick summary of the big ideas on nature of addiction from a biological and psychological perspective. - Module 3: Contemplations
This is the longest part of the course.
These are short (and some long) lectures that asks you to consider the nature of your addiction from multiple different angles.
Each session is followed by extremely specific questions designed to help you develop your own answers, solutions, strategies, and philosophies to get out of porn.
Expect to spend 30-45 minutes per contemplation (including listening time). Contemplations Include:- Dealing with Guilt
- The silent messages of porn
- The mundaneness of pornography
- The illusion of pleasure
- Getting past self-punishment
- and more…! (the library will keep expanding)
- Module 4: The Mind-Body Connection
Helpful behaviors and practices that will sustain your healing and freedom in the long run. - Module 5: Social Media (add-on)
Contemplations on Social Media and other modern addictions that are often linked to porn usage.
Also includes:
- ✅ Lifetime updates
- ✅ Ever expanding library of Contemplations
- ✅ Monthly live calls
- ✅ Discussions
- 🔊 Listen – Listen to the audio prompts.
- ✍️ Journal – Contemplate and write on prompts above (*hint* the act of writing IS thinking).
- 💬 Discussion – Share insights with others to reinforce lessons and help others.
- 🌱 Short – This isn’t a 2,000 lecture sized course. It’s short and to the point. More isn’t better.
Nov 15, 2023: The Quit Porn Easily course is hereby free for everyone. This is my gift to everyone who has struggled but not been able to free themselves. I have not had the time and resources to support people through the course. So this is now even more of a DIY experience.
Who Shouldn’t Take This Course
You need a level of emotional and intellectual maturity to take this course. It isn’t for everyone. It will present ideas to you and it will ask you to think through its implications fully in your life. You have to be committed to the discovery of your own personal truth for this to work. I am not your guru who is here to give you the definitive answer. Rather, I am your guide to help you discover your own definitive answer. If you just want hacks, tips, tricks, or some answer or mental model to memorize and cram into your head, this course isn’t for you.
What this Course Isn’t
⛔ Quick Fixes
This isn’t a course on “hacks”, “tips” and “tricks”. One size does not fit all. This course is for those looking to find their own answers.
⛔ Memorization
There course requires real thought and contemplation. Memorizing the lectures here won’t work. You must spend time thinking.
⛔ Self-Punishment
Many religious people come looking to punish themselves for this addiction as a way out. Compassion and love are needed more.
Not yet ready to enroll? Sign up for email updates.
Why Self-Punishment Does Not Work
Personal Truth, Deeply Contemplated, Sets You Free

Meet Your Coach
An addict for 17+ years who tried to quit in every way possible, Yogi had a moment of revelation that helped him drop the porn addiction.
He has since gone on to help hundreds of people quit porn through 1-1 coaching, and is now committed to helping 1,000,000 people quit porn once and for all.
He has coached teenagers and senior executives, atheists and deeply religious people from over a dozen countries in the world.
Yogi is based out of California, and is in a loving relationship with his wife.
Learn more about him here.
It’s been an incredibly positive & liberating few weeks & I’m incredibly grateful for our conversation and reading your book. It’s had a profound impact on the way I perceive & approach addiction – so thank you. I feel that I am much more at peace with myself & strangely find it much easier & more enjoyable to communicate with other people. I think this is largely down to the fact that I am no longer torturingmyself & no longer feel the need to torture & punish myself to try and overcome addiction – through cold showers, extreme workouts, extreme discipline etc.
You divine creature…Your book made my mindfreefrom PMO, I couldn’t thank you more. Later the morning I read it I realized that I didn’t
feel the urge any longer. As you said:POISON. Thank you so much for showing me a new perspective that doesn’t
involve treating myself like shit.
I won’t even count my days. I don’t need it. Every day feels like the first day. I’m free forever.
I wanted to end with porn because it was making me feel miserable and tired, and I’m a very productive 18yo guy, with
many projects going on. I also wanted to start lucid dreaming and noticed this was getting in the way. But now…
I feel a wafty feeling with every breath. The poison of misery is leaving my body every passing minute.
Thanks Yogi. I’d hug you right now if I could.
Yogi helped me when I was in a dark spot in my life, he expertly analysed what I was saying and managed to cut out my own BS so that I could see where I was going wrong exactly. As of today I am free of PMO, I was stuck in that cycle for 8+ years. I am incredibly thankful to Yogi for playing a vital part in my recovery.
Hey Yogi!
First of all God bless you brother. You are giving us freedom and joy with your experience…i am really
grateful to you for that.
Well i can gladly say i am free.
It is so amazing to have someone guide you and teach you exactly what you need to know and do in order to achieve
freedom. I never learned the simple method that yogi taught me in order to become free from my porn addiction until
now. I cannot stress this enough, but this coaching call completely changed the way I viewed my addictions. Yogi
helped me see that my addiction was not only porn, but social media as well which is what led me to PMO. He taught
me exactly what I needed and showed me how and why I was over analyzing why I kept slipping up. Most importantly,
he taught me that freedom is EASY and takes ZERO EFFORT! To be honest, it was so much simpler than I thought. I
feel lighter and better because I have exactly what I need to never go back to these horrible addictions. For anyone on
the fence, I highly recommend to go ahead and just do it. You have absolutely nothing to lose and a life full of freedom
to gain
Hey you,
I just wanted to thank you.
You changed my life. I was suicidal.
I couldn’t stop this garbage for the life of me.
it’s been a freaking decade of misery and suffering.
Here is all of what I have tried:
-Literally 6, yes 6, addiction coaches. 4 therapists.
-Typing up “36,000 hells” all the miserable consequences to relapse. It’s a nearly 1000 page document of exactly
-Every 12 step sex program and discord accountability group and meetings including zoom, phone, and in person, in
existence: SA, SAA, SLAA, PA, PAA, SPAA – you name it.
-Fortify course, Reforged Man course, Dopamine Discipline course, Strive course, Brothers around the campfire
-Typing up 27,000 heavens, all the incredible benefit stories from successfully rebooted people. Gary’s website on
-Creating horribly scary awful vision boards of my future down the PMO path, and my beautiful bright amazing happy
free abundant future down the other sober path.
-Every type of spiritual thing I can think of.
-Extreme routines, habits, urge protocols, distractions.
…. I can not thank you enough. I have never felt more hopeful after having the gift of knowing you by your words in
your materials.
I am so exhausted. I’ve been battling this for over a decade man. Ugh. Thank you for giving me my life and freedom
When I had my first session I didn’t expect much, I just wanted help because I was so desperate on the attempt to stop watching porn and masturbation. Right after the first session I felt so much better my thoughts were more linear and helped me to understand things I struggled to understand and see the problems I needed to solve. Things I have never thought about and methods I have never seen before he has a large knowledge on different topics that he uses to explore the problems and make it understandable for us so we can finally do the process of thinking ourselves. Very kind and understanding , no judgement or anything. Thanks to him I can enjoy my life as an ex addict and just wanted to thank you again yogi !!
Thank you for the session, it was a really big eye opener. You made me realise that even though I may not understand
why I am holding onto the pen, I don’t really need to. All I need to know is that holding onto the pen is causing me
discomfort and pain and I have a decision every day to just let it go. The feeling of great freedom and liberation from
dropping the pen brings about a great smile on my face.
The fear I had of living a life without PMO and how it could potentially be scary can be dropped just like the pen. All it
does is cause pain, confusion and discomfort. So I have dropped it and I feel very happy. Any bad emotions, fear,
urges or the compelling need to PMO can be dropped at any time and that is what I learnt. Any negative and bad
feeling or thought about myself such as “ I am not good enough” can also be dropped. I write this in the hope for a
good future and a new chapter of my life. The pen analogy has truly helped me realise how I was unconsciously
fighting all along instead of letting go. Thank you again and I wanted you to know that I needed desperate help and
you have delivered. Forever in your favour . Thank you
Hi, I am Erik and I have been addicted for a long time. Thank you for your book. I could not believe this
could be so easy but you were totally right. As you said, it will never give you anything and at the end your brain will
not be able to recognize normal from borderline/deviant content as I sadly realized. Your brain will just keep chasing
that high forever. Thank you again. I know it will never happen but porn should be simply banned as it just brakes
Thank you Yogi,
For 20 minutes straight I laughed to myself like a madman on my walk.
Seven years of pmo slavery, six months of struggling and two months of pain overturned in a single moment.
Like waves taking away a sand castle. All I ever had to do was step out of the way.
Thank you so very much,
Dear Celibate Yogi,
I am a 29 year old man who also
began watching porn at 12. I love the fact that you address that willpower is not
going to get to the heart of quitting but rather an open conversation with porn and yourself to realize that
porn is lying and is not there for you. It always has been lying and it never has been there for you.
Love is built on open, warm, honest and vulnerable relationships. Porn is a dream in which
someone is telling you to cross a chasm to the candy land, saying the bridge is there when in reality it’s
not. There is no candy land, there’s just a longer climb out of the pit.
Thank you, CelibateYogi. Because of you I haven’t read EasyPeasy since we talked. I uncovered how much fighting I
do and how to finally stop it. Without you, I’d probably still be reading EasyPeasy and trying to force and fight my way
into freedom. You’ve helped me beyond just freeing me from those pictures. You’ve shined a light on an issue I’ve
been dealing with for years without even knowing it, and that means a lot to me.
This is the real deal! Celibate is a kind, non-judgemental guy who worked with me to become de-addicted forever! What a difference it makes!
I had tried no fap counters, hypnotherapy, journaling, and a million other things over the years to quit this addiction. But nothing worked as clearly as working with Yogi.
Whether you’re young or old, if you’re addicted and want to quit, this is how you do it! Don’t wait like I did for 8 years to quit porn.
I had been addicted to porn for months.I tried nofap but failed it a lot. a relapse after a relapse, I realized I needed help from someone. found out about CelibateYogi and he was a pretty great dude. he actually helped me realize how easy it is to get to the trap. I still have some more brainwashing to let go off but he really gave me a boost and made me rethink stopping porn.
Thank you man, yesterday, i did some self-reflecting and wrote notes of the video you made, and it has helped me a
lot so far; especially the pen exercise, for the first time, i feel like i’ve dropped the beliefs fully and i really don’t need
porn anymore.
The hate i had for porn was what kept me in the trap, as at the end of the day my life was still around pmo…Again, thank you for replying and helping me towards this journey to never pmo again.
Hey Yogi,
I read your book and think my life has been fundamentally changed because of it. Thank you.
Really, I learned so much, and feel like, in addition to gaining strength
in a better perspective, I gained a friend.
I personally did a session with CelibateYogi, I highly recommended it! The false/limiting beliefs that we hold and how to counter them may seem obvious, but there is an immense benefit when you can work them through yourself (or better yet, with someone else) to reach your own conclusions and challenge the contradictions along the way. After I spoke with him, I know I am much more at peace with myself, and am fully confident that PMO is behind me. Also goes to show that it’s ok to seek extra help when you need to in order to rid of the brainwashing.
Yogi’s guidance allowed me to lampoon beliefs I held about myself for a very long time. I’m confident now that I have removed the brainwashing.
Before I had coaching with Yogi, I was having recurring nightmares of relapse, and sleep emissions. I was certain I was free of the PMO trap for life in my conscious mind, but my subconscious was telling me otherwise. I was letting it get to me and through my interview with Yogi, I was able to get that last bit of reassurance I needed to overcome my mental blocks. I have not had a nightmare of relapse or an emission since. I can mostly attribute this to overcoming that last bit of rational doubt in me, which freed my subconscious mind in turn.
Nov 15, 2023: The Quit Porn Easily course is hereby free for everyone. This is my gift to everyone who has struggled but not been able to free themselves. I have not had the time and resources to support people through the course. So this is now even more of a DIY experience.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are there any live sessions?
I will offer "office hours" once a month which anyone can join and ask questions they've submitted on Discord. Timings and join-in instructions will be provided inside the course.
How long will this course take?
The faster you go, the less effective it will be! You became addicted over a long period of time. Sustained contemplation helps you find your personal truth which is the key to helping you get free for good.
I’m unemployed/in school/unable to pay, please help!
You have a few choices:
A) Consider getting my book for 99 cents on Amazon. Please watch my hour long video going over my lessons from coaching, and listen to many of my coaching sessions for free on YouTube. Read the Hackbook for free!
It is cheaper and easier than ever to make progress by yourself first! Reflect on what you see/hear/read on the sources above. If you still want the course, keep reading...
B) I'm happy to give scholarships to people. At most schools, if you can maintain a certain grade in all your courses, you get to keep your scholarship. In the same way, if you want the course, all I ask is that you trade ~5 hours of time to do some work. Just send me a message here. Still want the course but don't want to do any work for it? Keep reading...
C) From even all the unemployed people or students I’ve met, almost all of them spend money on new cell phones, video games, clothes and shoes. You have already also spent hundreds/thousands of hours of your precious time on social media/video streaming sites/tube sites. Many of you have even spent money on camgirls, online models, etc. Consider saving up and paying for the course in some other way.
Nov 15, 2023: The Quit Porn Easily course is hereby free for everyone. This is my gift to everyone who has struggled but not been able to free themselves. I have not had the time and resources to support people through the course. So this is now even more of a DIY experience.