Hey you,
I just wanted to thank you.
You changed my life. I was suicidal.
I couldn’t stop this garbage for the life of me.
it’s been a freaking decade of misery and suffering.
Here is all of what I have tried:
-Literally 6, yes 6, addiction coaches. 4 therapists.
-Typing up “36,000 hells” all the miserable consequences to relapse. It’s a nearly 1000 page document of exactly
-Every 12 step sex program and discord accountability group and meetings including zoom, phone, and in person, in
existence: SA, SAA, SLAA, PA, PAA, SPAA – you name it.
-Fortify course, Reforged Man course, Dopamine Discipline course, Strive course, Brothers around the campfire
-Typing up 27,000 heavens, all the incredible benefit stories from successfully rebooted people. Gary’s website on
-Creating horribly scary awful vision boards of my future down the PMO path, and my beautiful bright amazing happy
free abundant future down the other sober path.
-Every type of spiritual thing I can think of.
-Extreme routines, habits, urge protocols, distractions.
…. I can not thank you enough. I have never felt more hopeful after having the gift of knowing you by your words in
your materials.
I am so exhausted. I’ve been battling this for over a decade man. Ugh. Thank you for giving me my life and freedom