An Invitation to Break out of the PMO Prison

I’ve coached 100s of you by now. I’ve had a 99%+ satisfaction rate. However, I believe most of you come back to me a few days, weeks, or months later because of the four delusions above.

I’d now like to challenge this once and for all.

Here’s what I believe people need to escape:

  • Learning the nature of the PMO Prison
  • What it takes to escape from the PMO prison
  • Escaping from the PMO prison
  • Staying out of the PMO prison

I can get people to escape the PMO prison in just one session. I’ve done it time and time again. It’s the staying out that remains an issue.

You can read the dozens of stories right here.

Because emotions flare up. Technology use kicks in. A bad day, a general nihilism, and old patterns kick in.

Soon, you find yourself back in prison.

That’s why this new format does it differently. It flips the model around.

10% of the time on the escape. 90% of the time on staying out.

Quitting social media, media usage, the “prisoner’s mind patterns”, etc are all difficult to do yourself.

When it comes to escaping the PMO trap, having co-conspirators makes it a lot easier as well.

That’s why this new format includes a few things:

  • A 6 week format
  • A small private group of 5-7 people
  • A weekly recurring hour long call
  • Focus on regular challenges/tasks to get out of the prisoner mindset
  • Group messaging to stay accountable on the tasks and encourage others along the way.

I’d like to invite you to join this next cohort.

If you’re ready to end this year off with a substantial victory under your belts (pun fully intended), now is the time to take action.

Because this is a pilot cohort, the prices will remain very very affordable. I cannot promise that going forward.

Learn more and Sign up here today.

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