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Latest Articles & Podcasts
- Needed a favorI had a quick favor to ask from you. As the course starts to make an impact, and helping people quit porn once and for all, I feel now is the time to share this message with more people. I want to give my best ideas away to help as many people as possible. To… Read more: Needed a favor
- No more hacks, tips and tricks.Are you looking for another quick fix? A “hack”? A tip or trick? On a daily basis, I get 5-10 emails with messages like: “Yogi. I need help. Give me some tips.” No context, no explaining, nothing at all. Everyone is looking for tips, tricks and hacks. Here’s my biggest tip: there are no tips.… Read more: No more hacks, tips and tricks.
- Contemplating the Truth to become PMO freeSo far, we’ve discussed one key idea. The real secret to quit pornography once and for all is this: personal truth, deeply contemplated, will set you free. What does it mean to contemplate an idea deeply? It means to take an idea and ask yourself “what does this mean for me?” “How is it true… Read more: Contemplating the Truth to become PMO free
- Self-Knowledge, Self-Compassion, and Sustained ContemplationWhy is porn so hard to get out of? You might be able to quit things like sugar, coffee, cigarettes, and many other things. But pornography remains because it touches every part of your life. Without proper self-knowledge about what you’re actually craving, you won’t be able to un-tether yourself from this addiction. Why is… Read more: Self-Knowledge, Self-Compassion, and Sustained Contemplation
- The Wrong Way to Discover Your Personal TruthThe real secret to quit PMO is simple: personal truth, deeply contemplated, will set you free. So how do you discover this personal truth? Let’s start with where people go wrong. Here’s what they do: Read the same book 10-50 times. Watch more videos on YouTube. Participate in communities where they all just talk about… Read more: The Wrong Way to Discover Your Personal Truth